Top 5 London Street Food Markets

Cheap London Street Food Markets London is known for two things: having shit weather and being expensive.  I once heard a BBC meteorologist describe the morning weather as “deceptively dry”. The capital city also happens to have an incredible food scene.  If you want to eat on the cheap and expand your waistline, street markets… Continue reading Top 5 London Street Food Markets

Turkish Bath Adventures in Antalya

When organizing my romantic getaway in Antalya, Turkey, I had only intended to be naked in front of one man, rather than four.   Let me start at the beginning. On the night of our arrival, Jake and I sprawled out on the king-sized bed in our hotel room. After 12 hours of travel from… Continue reading Turkish Bath Adventures in Antalya

Barcelona on a Budget

On my recent 12-day trip to Barcelona, I tried to keep my spending below €300. If it hadn’t been for the vending machine that ate my money and the generous presents I bought for my friends, I could have done it. (I went over by about €7.) Despite my financial constraints, I had an amazing… Continue reading Barcelona on a Budget

Categorized as Tips

Barcelona Adventures

Last month, I spent twelve days watching a cat named Arnie in Barcelona.  I met his owner, Simon, on the Trusted Housesitters website.  A lone cat in a cosmopolitan city is like the Holy Grail of petsitting assignments, so I really lucked out. The apartment where I stayed was located near the Plaça d’Espanya and… Continue reading Barcelona Adventures

Floridian Adventures

In August, I was at the family health center in my neighborhood for some routine blood tests.  As the doctor scanned the small result sheet, his eyes darting back and forth between the ideal chemical levels and mine, he asked what I was doing in Turkey. I’ve been asked this innumerable times and can give… Continue reading Floridian Adventures

Oslo Adventures

(Photo Andrii Zherebko) My recent trip to Norway was a bit of an impulse. I hadn’t left Turkey in seven months and was getting a bit stir-crazy. I searched for cheap plane tickets out of Istanbul, found a direct round trip flight to Oslo for only 130 USD, and clicked “purchase”. It wasn’t until later… Continue reading Oslo Adventures